How do you decide which sales and marketing channels to pursue?
How do you make your brand memorable and well-positioned in the global marketplace?
How do you create an experience so seamless that you earn loyal customers for life?
The answer? Sales-marketing alignment, of course. But what does that look like – and, more importantly, what should you do when you need to get your numbers up NOW? Get back to basics. Specifically, these three business basics:
1. Set your sights
We’ll say it until we’re blue in the face: “Everybody” is not a target market.
Get crystal-clear on whose problems your business and offer is solving. Who are your raving fans? What keeps them up at night? What do they want? How does your offer help them get it (or avoid an outcome they don’t want)? Identify where they congregate and speak in terms they will recognize.
2. Be a person
People like doing business with people. We’re all human and we’ve all got never-ending to-do lists and overstuffed schedules; give your customers a reason to pause and feel good. Ask about the kids or the vacation they mentioned. Drop them a handwritten holiday card or thank-you note.
Relationship selling goes a long way.
3. Have a vision
Your brand is not your logo. Or your headquarters. Or your menu of services and products. If you want to build a Giant brand, you’ve got to think bigger than that.
Start with why, as Simon (Sinek) says. Dream up an epic brand storyline. Invite your customers into an experience that will turn them into raving fans.
Achieve your goals and address the invisible factors by downloading our G.I.A.N.T. Goals workbook today!